- Comfortable hostel accommodation
- Nutritious food
- Capable teachers
- Atmosphere conducive to excel in academics
- A well maintained sports complex
- Adequate opportunity to highlight their skills and talents
- Trips and picnics
- Weekly interaction with parents
What more does a child want? Well, the campus life of the boarders is a balanced mix of all the above facets besides many more. Every activity is further reinforced by a disciplined and adequately supervised daily routine.
Students also get the chance to imbibe the important values of dignity of labour, care of belongings, personal hygiene and grooming along with guiding those younger than them. Since the ownership and use of electronic devices like mobiles, tablets and ipods etc are strictly prohibited on the school campus, the students learn to value the company of their peers and indulge themselves into sports and outdoor activities rather than immersing themselves into electronic media. Boarders are however, allowed supervised internet surfing to support their research based projects.